Friday, September 6, 2013


We hear lots of stories online about how a certain artist or musical genre changes a person's life.So we are going to take a little time and get the info straight from the fans. I asked Marcus's Facebook fans to tell me what inspired them about his music and how it has changed their lives. This is what they had to say.

Christopher Fulton

"Well I started listening to Marcus through Tech N9ne and Krizz Kaliko. Most notably the song "Gumbo".   I loved how he sounded. He fit right into the world of Strange Music. The music he wrote actually had meaning and depth and with him being so close to my age, it inspires me that this generation has talent instead of the popular trash on the radio.I would always send messages to my favorite artists on Facebook hoping to talk to them and tell them how much I respect them. Marcus was the first one to respond. Within a few days too. He seems so down to earth and I can not wait to see what he has in store for his album. I am a lifelong fan."

                                                                       Megan Pickens

"I remember when I first got a listen at Marcus Yates' style.  It was in "I Love Music" when he rapped "Music ain't a hobby, it's an organ, of my body, that the creator provided back in January of '92.  So don't you dare say that music skipped my generation."  His lines fit perfect and spoke against the crowds of people saying "Hip Hop is dead."  Hip Hop was never dead.  Too many clowns have been given the spot light leaving real artists in the dark.  I was excited to hear more.  Later, I fell in love with Krizz Kaliko's "Gumbo" and heard his familiar voice.  I ended up buying a ticket to the SOS tour and got to see Marcus live.  He really put on a show and his style goes unmatched.  He has this feel good/relaxed vibe that really gets you lost in his music.  I can't wait to hear more from this dude and definitely can't wait 'til the day one of his CD's is in a big box store."

                     Ben Beal
"I'll be looking out for your EP and buying it when it comes out."

These are just a few of the amazing fans that have had their lives touched in some way or another by Marcus's music. He is so humbled by this outreach of fans and will keep bringing great music to everyone til his last breath. When I asked Marcus what he thought of all this, he said "It's great. It's amazing. Just wow." He told me its a wonderful thing when you can make music for yourself and it moves over into another person's life and reaches out to them in the way it did to you. Check out more comments and fan dialogue at and stay tuned this weekend to an exclusive interview with Marcus about the new album, formally an EP. 

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