Sunday, September 29, 2013


The "Something Else" tour made a much anticipated stop in Portland, OR on Thursday September 26th and Portland was ready to rage. Prozak's set was epic in proportions and the fans were left wanting more. Click Here for an exclusive look at the Portland pit for Prozak's Mosh Pit song. 

After the show I got a chance to do an exclusive interview with Prozak in the downstairs bar of the Roseland Theater

Lettey: Tell me about your new album and what the album represents to you. 

Prozak:  The album is called "We All Fall Down" and it released 9/17/13. People may say the album is Political, but I don’t like that word. This album talks about reality. I think of hip hop that doesn't relay a message as "Fiction." The album talks about the state of the country right now and relays a message, through the songs, about how I view the world. Look at the state of Detroit, the actual state recently tried to declare bankruptcy, the whole state. That says a lot about the country we live in. This is a state that was the head of the auto industry, and now it’s filing for bankruptcy. ,  It doesn't talk about how many women I slept with last night, how much money I have, or where I’ve been. Its about what’s really going on in my town and the world.

Lettey: What is your favorite song on the album?

Prozak: That's a hard one. I would have to say "We All Fall Down" and "Audio Barricade." 

Lettey: What song on the album was the hardest to write?

Prozak: That's a good question. I'd have to say the first song, the intro "Divided We Stand" I wanted to incorporate the album art and really tie in the album.

Lettey: There are many young, talented people out there today thriving on art, music, and creative abilities. The schools are slowly taking away these programs and it is becoming more difficult for kids to learn the arts. What would you say to these young people to keep them moving forward?

Prozak: Really stick to it, network, I’m living proof, there are others, hundreds of thousands of others, and I’m living proof that you really have to do it and stick to it. You have to dedicate everything to it. That’s it.

Prozak's set was more then I could have expected. His art and his voice have improved through the years, and when I say voice I don't mean his singing, I mean his ability to say so much with his songs. Hip Hop was originally meant for people to express and share a statement and a message, and Prozak has been perfecting the art for years now. Listening to his new album, you leave feeling informed, entertained, and more intelligent for the experience. 


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