Thursday, March 20, 2014

New Projects On The Horizon

Lettey:  What style of music would you say the new project sounds like? 

Marcus:  Good Morning!! It's still in the works but of course it's more empathetic to the listener than Dark Taupe Schemata. For example, A song I'm working on now is more personal about the women (yes plural) that I'm attracted to and how each one of them equally caters to me. (Playa playa) Haha!! Nah but I'm like really sincere and honest about my confusion in this project because that's where I am and that's what makes me wake up and wanna find myself everyday. 

Lettey:  What is inspiring you in this project and what direction are you hoping to go in? 

Marcus: I'm really free with the creative process at this point. Living and jotting down basically. Planning to visit Harlem here soon to eventually live there.

Lettey: . Do you have an idea of when you'll be releasing it? Any new shows coming up?

Marcus: I talked to my brother Jon Bap.. I definitely don't mind my project taking a year or two to be completed. Seriously.. And it's definitely worth the gamble of supporters losing interest and gaining them back. I have nothing but high hopes for this project. Greatness takes time. In between that time, I plan on doing production for Tech N9ne for his upcoming album.. Working and writing with Krizz Kaliko and touring with Krizz Kaliko as well. 

Lettey:  Are you moving to Harlem to connect closer to your neighborhood and to get more inspiration? Marcus: I think it's more to just THINK in a different space. I have family there to reconnect with too. I have 3 songs maybe 4 out of a possible 15 that I wanna do.. And I got all the time in the world to build upon them. 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

On a quiet Saturday afternoon, Marcus took some time to share with me some ideas for the new album and where he is at this time in his life. The information was mind opening and will lead Marcus down a new road of discovery, in himself and in music. 

So I asked Marcus, "What is your inspiration for this album and what is running through your mind?"
Marcus had a look in his eyes of self discovery and intuition. He unloaded some information on me that changed my idea of what it means to be a person in this scene. 
"I really have been reading a lot lately, about the black male in America. The book I'm on now is 
The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter G. Woodson. 

I would have talks with my close friends about things that I am seeing. Like how, for example, guns for black males are tools for escape from truth and true mental freedom. It's like the gun IS their confidence tool or compensation for their lack of patience and identity. Also the financial slavery of the black collective. I walk my neighborhood every day. I see check cashing businesses and liquor stores, but I never see these things in the "higher class" neighborhoods. I also observed the black women's role in degrading the black male. Making him feel lesser of a man or subconsciously teasing him by relating with white males because of the scarce opportunities for him in America. I'm starting to understand that this subject matter is a road less traveled because of fear of backlash and or worse. I honestly am embracing the ignorance of my surroundings to see what simple truths I can find within it. I also will be more unified in the production side of the project. 

I'm working with all my friends who appreciate the soul of hip hop." 

This answer really hit the spot. I asked, "Marcus, how do you hope to use your music to change mindsets and our environment?"

Marcus replied, "I just honestly wanna push the boundaries of expressing what you've learned from music. It's the healthiest thing to do and it can save lives!"

"Tell me what you think music can do to change lives and if you could make one big change in your neighborhood what would it be?" asked Lettey. 

Marcus gazed like a man formulating a great plan and said "Music is the noise we hear everyday in perfect harmony, so if it's done right and with good intentions, it can subconsciously bring others together. And I can't name nothing I want to change off the top of my head. I love my neighborhood." 

Lettey takes a moment, pondering her next and final question. Wanting to know much more so choosing her words carefully. "Marcus, with knowledge comes power and responsibility. What do you recommend people do in regards to getting that knowledge and how they should use it. How can music help spread that freedom?" 

Marcus gives himself a moment to truly think this one over. Then replies, "People need to use it in an empathetic way. A helpful way. We know there's gonna be cruel things in the world and that's just there to decipher from. I personally don't wanna be one of those cruel outlets for the people. If you honestly believe in justice, then you need to do it and speak it."

The world we live in will influence our music and our mindset so much. It's good to see people open their mind to what is truly around them without worrying about how P.C. they have to be. I recommend everyone take the time to open your minds to something new today. Truth is Gold!