Monday, November 11, 2013

Vinyl or Digital Download?

The question of the hour is : Will the new album Dark Taupe Schemata be only a digital download or will vinyl be made? 

The answer to this question will depend on the fans. Do you want digital? Do you want Vinyl? If you want there to be a chance for a choice I need fan input. If you would purchase and pick up a vinyl, send an in basket message to with the subject line: VINYL KICKS ASS. Otherwise the digital download only will be released on Nov 12th, tomorrow. So let me hear from the fans!

Live Listening Party Links from 11/9/13

So if you didn't catch the live Ustream of Marcus's Listening party on 11/9, then be sure to catch up here. We are working on the bugs of the program, so next time you will get the ultimate experience. Look in for up to date info about shows, concert streams, and more.

Til next time, just "BE!"